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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Words

Because my own mother couldn't remember how old I was for my first tooth, I pulled out my baby calendar and looked it up myself. I was almost nine months. I highly doubt my mother-in-law knows when my husband got his first tooth, but I'm hoping it wasn't much later than that. Baby can't be feverish forever. I also noticed that before all the teeth that are chronicled, it was written that I "had a very runny nose and a bad cold." How funny is it that everything we read now says that a runny nose is a symptom of teething?

But again, I digress. I also found my first on the calendar. They were, in this order: Mama, Nononono, shut up.

Interesting. Not much has changed.

First Word

Little V signed her first word today. I guess technically she typed her first word the other day while video chatting with grandparents. She typed, "n,uuuuuuuuuuuuuuk" and I was so proud ;) But I digress.

Today while changing a poopy diaper, she was playing with her hands for once instead of trying to touch her bits and pieces. (She's finally realized that when I open her diaper, there is stuff down there. Yay.) She was fussy during lunch so when she finished, I laid her down again. After twenty minutes or so, V had settled down so I went to get her. Realizing she had crapped her pants again, I laid her down on the changing table and she started playing with her hands. Twice today, the "playing with her hands" was really her signing, "poop." Only my kid would have that as a first word!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Valentine's Card

This was a fun idea that came into my head for the upcoming Hallmark holiday. Generally, I don't do anything out of the ordinary, but I figured there are some people out there who would love a little snail mail from my daughter.

Supplies: In addition to what you see, I used 3-D heart stickers and ultra fine point Sharpie markers in Valentine's colors. Also, instead of using fancy adhesives, a glue stick would have worked just fine. My favorite thing about this project is that most of the supplies were from the dollar section of Target! Also, I love the Value pack of plain cards and envelopes from Michaels, purchased with a 40% off coupon of course!

Step 1: Be sure to have a wet cloth ready! Use a sponge brush to paint the bottom of baby's foot. Quickly roll it onto plain white paper. Do this for as many cards as you will make leaving plenty of space.

Step 2: Do the same to the opposite foot. Line up the heel of baby's foot with the heel on paper and make a "V" shape while rolling the second foot. Let the heart feet dry and move on to the cards.

Step 3: Stamp the inside of your cards. Then write simple Valentine's notes inside.

Step 4: Cut craft paper to fit the outside of your cards and attach to the cover. Embelish with two thin horizontal strips.

Step 5: When heart feet are dry, cut them out in heart-shapes! I am terrible at free-handing anything so I folded mine first to make the hearts somewhat symmetrical. Be sure to look at both sides while cutting so all toes make the final cut!

Step 5: Adhere the paper hearts to the front of the cards. Add a 3-D sticker as the finishing touch!

Step 6: Stuff those envelopes and, if your child is old enough, seal with a lipstick kiss!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Currently reading: Emma, by Jane Austen.

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Gotta love recipes off the back of a Stove Top Stuffing container!
#2: Driving 13 miles out of the way to go to the store so sick baby will fall asleep for a nap on the way there. Then proceeding to walk very slowly through said store to give baby a longer nap.
Testing testing 1 2 3...

Why is it that my texted blogs aren't going through? This is most certainly not good...

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This and That

Saturday at 11:30 a Rescue worker is coming to pick up our little boy and bring him to his foster home. Our poor little dog is no longer happy in our home and is becoming aggressive. Unfortunately, we think it's best to give him up so that another family can love him and make him happy again. While V absolutely adores him, it isn't worth the risk that his aggression will be directed towards her too. We got the call yesterday that a foster home is ready for him. I laid in bed awake last night thinking about packing his things.


Nostalgia: a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time

My past is haunting me again. Though bridges haven't been burned, I've definitely cut those ties. I feel like part of me has been lost. I'd like to get that part back again. My husband hasn't known that side of me, but I'd like him to. Being complete will add to an overall one-of-a-kind person and make for an undoubtedly unique stay-at-home-mom.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Next Home

Requirements for our next purchase:

-located closer to the beach
- >1200 sq. ft
-3 br/2ba
-family room/den/office
-lots of counter and cabinet space in kitchen
-closet space galore

Bonus if it has:

-4 br
-lawn service
-community park
->1600 sq. ft

It can be done.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mad Mom Skillz

I've decided to randomly post some of my exceptional talents (a.k.a. the things I do well as a mom) because a lot of the little things go unnoticed and under-appreciated. They won't be posted in any particular order except chronologically as I give myself a, "Well done, Baby Mama, well done."

Without further ado:

#1 The ability to hold down the arms, legs, and head of an infant who is fighting it while wiping major snot from her nose.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

This morning was the last time I will ever breastfeed my daughter. I'm not sure yet how this makes me feel. If weaning was because of age and not out of necessity, I think it would be a lot more emotional.

On a happier note, it was also the first time in six months that I've had a cup of coffee (although technically, I had 3) and all I can say is helloooo Jamaican Sunrise!

I also started a new bottle of foundation today and am feeling like a rock star. It's more likely a result of the shirt I'm wearing, but who cares. Every girl loves fresh makeup!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Let tax season begin.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

To Sleep or Not to Sleep

I watched Kite Runner tonight with my husband. I still feel nauseous. Thankfully, I don't have an immediate need to go to bed. My rather vivid imagination and mild paranoia causes some interesting dreams that lead to sleep walking and I'm not in the mood for half-conscious fear for my life.

On another note, V slept two nights in a row without needing added assistance. After the first week home from the hospital, we haven't had any problems during the night. That is until about two weeks ago. The joys of teething are constant drool, chewing, diarrhea, diaper rash, refusal to eat (which has never happened in her seven month history...even for oral vaccinations), snot rockets and bubbles, and the late night scream fests.

Here's hoping to a merciful evening.

First Post

I always feel anxiety when I've created a blog. The first post is supposed to be enlightening, engaging, and thought provoking. While I could explain the ways of Venus and Mars, tell a tear-jerking anecdote of my childhood that defines who I am today, or create an editorial of the latest health care happenings, I will instead blog about nothing. Why? So I don't let the first-post jitters create a precedent for blogs to come.