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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Fresh, Colorful Face Forward

I am plain. My favorite color is black. I wear solid-colored clothing. I only wear one color at a time. My hair is not color-treated or highlighted. My favorite lipsticks are nudes. My eyeshadows are neutrals and my liner is black Up until now I've enjoyed being plain.

Whether it's the beginning of the third trimester of this pregnancy, boredom with my current look, checking out Allure's spring trends, or too much time with Crayolas and my 1 1/2 year old, I've decided to dive into spring filled with color.

Recently, I bought a coral sundress to be worn sometime late summer when I finally fit into it. I bought red sandals to give my many (many!) black outfits some oomph. I even managed to buy sapphire eyeliner (on clearance) by Pixi.

I am bound and determined to add more color. My next step is the Sonia Kashuk aisle at Target when her spring line hits stores. I dug out her Mauvey lip color and Fairy gloss today. I'm thinking a pink lip shade, and something colorful for the eyes? Hmmm...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Natural Cold Remedies

My 19-month-old now has her first serious cold. An oozing nose that turned into a congested chest that turned into a mix between the two. In general, our family does not use over the counter medicines if possible. For headaches we drink peppermint tea, for stomach aches ginger. And as fluids and rest are the best medicines, we tend to pump those instead of cough syrup and Ibuprofin.

That being said, my poor daughter sounded so miserable that I almost gave in to getting some cold medicine. Almost.

But then I did a quick google for natural remedies. A hot bath did wonders to get her nose flowing so her cough slowed down a bit. Then I fought her to the floor and held her down to use the nasal aspirator. Good grief, those things are mini miracle workers. Awhile later I noticed she still sounded congested in her chest so I gave her a toddler spoonful of honey and twenty minutes later she was good as new. (The article I read actually suggested 1 Tbsp of honey, but why start with a max dose?)

I also have her sleeping with a humidifier and yesterday was a wonderfully rainy day so I left the living room window open all day.

Who needs cough medicine? Not this mama and surely not her little girl.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cakes, Mistakes, and Learning From Them

This first cake was my first attempt at basketweave, my second at drop flowers. Thankfully, there are so many drop flowers that by the end, I think I finally got them down! This cakes major error? I should have turned on the a/c and let it get nice and cold. The icing melted horribly and I had to put it in the fridge every few minutes so I could work with it. And the coffee in the mocha buttercream started to separate so the bottom rope has dark spots.

I made my first "novelty pan" cake this past weekend. Boy, do I have a lot to learn. I think it turned out great considering, but there's a few finishing touches that it could use. For example, how on earth can I get the sides smooth when it's a shaped cake??? Regardless, it was a delicious spring cake mix with lemon buttercream icing.

Diary of Early Potty Training

We have been debating how to potty train our daughter for some time now. As soon as she could sit unsupported (which was rather late...almost seven months) I started taking her into the bathroom with me when I had to go number one so she could get used to being in there. Even more, we were hoping this would help encourage the "Ooo...Look what Mommy's doing..." and she would want to as well. For some time now, she has been signing "poop" after she fills her diaper so between that and sitting up, we thought we'd give the ol' potty training a go.

The next step was to choose either a training seat or a potty chair. After much research and debate, we chose the Potette Plus - 20in-1 Portable Potty & Trainer. First off, 50 reviews and it still has 5 stars? One, please!!! And secondly, we decided potty training would be a lot easier if she had something she was comfortable using outside of our home. Our daughter is a little small to be completely comfortable on it, but it's a great seat and she's gotten rather used to it. All in all, I'd say it's a very good buy.

With the training methods research done and a training seat in hand, we set out to the bathroom. So far, so good. She's no pee pee prodigy, but give her a break...she started at nine months!

Week 1: Little V went potty twice on the first day of using the big people bowl. Go, girl, go! She has since developed a slight fear of being up there during the rest of the week and won't go even if I run the water in the tub or sink. Hmmmm.... Not sure what to do about that.

I've also noticed that if I give her 1/3 of a sippy cup of apple juice all at once, she's ready to go in twenty minutes. It does not work the same for a bottle.

Saturday and Sunday we left town and failed miserably at getting her to the toilet. I'm continuing to sign "bathroom" every time we go in, but she hasn't picked that one up yet.

Week 2: I am so under the weather, this just isn't going to happen...

More updates to come!

Monday, February 22, 2010

#3: Tough love. 'Nough said.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Intimates Shmintimates

Over the last seventeen months, my body has changed. Dramatically. I am tall, thin, and have always been "underweight." I say this not to make people jealous, not to brag, not to have weird internet stalker guys drooling, but to hopefully be of some help.

The reason my body has undergone numerous sizes is because I had my first child. While I loved every second of getting, being, and recovering from being pregnant (yes, even the throwing up on the side of the road, the stitches, and the wondering if I'll ever fit into my favorite jeans again), I recently have had difficulties shopping.

During my pregnancy I gained somewhere around 35-40 pounds. Most of which was gained in my belly. From there, the bulk of the weight wound up in my bra. And herein lies the reason for my post.

I read a statistic somewhere that 80% of all women are wearing the wrong bra size. I can believe it! I am very particular about the bras I wear and purchase. They must first and foremost be comfortable. Supportive comes in at a very close second. I then need something very mommy-friendly with a hint of sex appeal. I am, after all, a woman!

I've waited over eight months since having my daughter, and more than a month since I stopped breast-feeding to be sure I am at my new size. In all honesty, I expected to be a tad bit larger but I am in fact smaller. Or at least I'm too small for the bras I had been wearing. I decided to do things right so I hit up Google for some tips on bra fitting and used Victoria's Secret and HerRoom for measurement suggestions. I made sure to try on the size the links suggested as well as a band size and cup size one step up and down. I probably tried on about a total of fifty bras from six or seven different manufacturers and settled on two types:

Gilligan & O'Malley's gel push-up padded bra: I love the push-up part for support but it isn't over-done! This brand matched my measurements and band and cup size exactly.

Rene Rofe: plain-Jane generic white necessary for the underwear drawer of every woman. This particular bra ended up being up one band size and down one cup size.

All I need now is a strapless I feel supported in and I'm set!

I am very excited at having a bra that meets all of my criteria, which is why I've written this post. Sure, it's a bit personal, but if it helps even one woman out there find something that makes her feel great about her body, then it was worth the discomfort of everyone who happened across this by accident!

Good luck ladies, and happy bra shopping!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine Cake

Duncan Hines white cake mix
Buttercream icing
Raspberry whip cream filling

Note: I had a hard time getting the icing to smooth for multiple reasons. The biggest reason is that I was afraid of adding too much milk and ending up with runny icing. A friend of mine suggesting using heavy whipping cream instead. Definitely going to try that next time!