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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Fresh, Colorful Face Forward

I am plain. My favorite color is black. I wear solid-colored clothing. I only wear one color at a time. My hair is not color-treated or highlighted. My favorite lipsticks are nudes. My eyeshadows are neutrals and my liner is black Up until now I've enjoyed being plain.

Whether it's the beginning of the third trimester of this pregnancy, boredom with my current look, checking out Allure's spring trends, or too much time with Crayolas and my 1 1/2 year old, I've decided to dive into spring filled with color.

Recently, I bought a coral sundress to be worn sometime late summer when I finally fit into it. I bought red sandals to give my many (many!) black outfits some oomph. I even managed to buy sapphire eyeliner (on clearance) by Pixi.

I am bound and determined to add more color. My next step is the Sonia Kashuk aisle at Target when her spring line hits stores. I dug out her Mauvey lip color and Fairy gloss today. I'm thinking a pink lip shade, and something colorful for the eyes? Hmmm...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Natural Cold Remedies

My 19-month-old now has her first serious cold. An oozing nose that turned into a congested chest that turned into a mix between the two. In general, our family does not use over the counter medicines if possible. For headaches we drink peppermint tea, for stomach aches ginger. And as fluids and rest are the best medicines, we tend to pump those instead of cough syrup and Ibuprofin.

That being said, my poor daughter sounded so miserable that I almost gave in to getting some cold medicine. Almost.

But then I did a quick google for natural remedies. A hot bath did wonders to get her nose flowing so her cough slowed down a bit. Then I fought her to the floor and held her down to use the nasal aspirator. Good grief, those things are mini miracle workers. Awhile later I noticed she still sounded congested in her chest so I gave her a toddler spoonful of honey and twenty minutes later she was good as new. (The article I read actually suggested 1 Tbsp of honey, but why start with a max dose?)

I also have her sleeping with a humidifier and yesterday was a wonderfully rainy day so I left the living room window open all day.

Who needs cough medicine? Not this mama and surely not her little girl.